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What is Inside Mammotion LUBA

what is inside of LUBA AWD5000

What is Inside Mammotion LUBA

Exploring the Inner Workings of the Mammotion Luba AWD5000: A Comprehensive Overview

Join us as we take a closer look at the Mammotion Luba AWD5000 and uncover its internal components. In this video, we explore the curious SIM card slot and delve into the hardware that accompanies it. Discover the key features we’ve uncovered during testing and gain valuable insights into this innovative robotic lawn mower.

Key Features of the Luba AWD5000:

  1. Robust Suspension System: The front suspension system of the Luba AWD5000 boasts a remarkably strong and durable construction. It clamps together tightly, ensuring stability and resilience. While the area around the front wheels may be the weakest spot, the overall structure remains solid.

  2. Control Panel and RTK Antenna: Underneath the top cover, you’ll find a control panel board connected to a ribbon cable. Additionally, the RTK antenna cable passes through a sealed pot and leads to the antenna at the back. The antenna itself is a simple disc design.

  3. Sealing and Dust Protection: The Luba AWD5000 features seals around its main body, preventing water and dust from entering sensitive areas. However, the front and back sections are not sealed to the outside environment. While some dust and dirt may find their way inside, it generally poses no significant issues. Only the lift sensor switch located in the back could be affected if excessively clogged with debris.

  4. Open Back Section: The back section of the Luba AWD5000 contains minimal components. It houses the axle for the back wheels and the control panel cable. This area is not airtight and lacks additional elements. The focus remains on the sealed parts, ensuring the overall integrity of the robot.

  5. SIM Card Slot and Future Connectivity: One of the primary reasons for examining the Luba AWD5000 is the SIM card slot on its back. However, the current version does not utilize this slot for any hardware connectivity. There is no plug or antenna for a 4G or LTE connection. It suggests that the potential for future 4G connectivity might require an expansion kit. Mammotion could offer a hardware update to enable LTE functionality.


Our exploration of the Mammotion Luba AWD5000 reveals a solidly built and well-organized robotic lawn mower. While the SIM card slot currently lacks hardware for an LTE connection, the mower’s performance and design are commendable. Keep an eye out for potential future expansion kits that may enable enhanced connectivity options.

Mammotion LUBA on Rough Terrain

LUBA AWD5000 testing on rough terrain

Mammotion Luba on Rough Terrain

Mammotion Luba: performance under trees coverage and different terrains

Discover the remarkable off-road capabilities of the Mammotion Luba AWD5000 in this video test. Jason takes Luba through various challenging terrains, showcasing its ability to navigate slopes, rough surfaces, and obstacles. In this blog post, we summarize the key features observed during the testing, highlighting Luba’s performance and limitations.

Key Features of the Luba AWD5000:

  1. Impressive Climbing Ability
    Luba effortlessly tackles slopes and inclines, demonstrating its remarkable climbing capability. With a steady speed and proper momentum, it can conquer steep angles, surpassing expectations for a robot mower.
  2. Exceptional Ground Clearance
    Equipped with extra clearance on the sides, Luba handles terrain features up to 15 centimetres high without difficulty. It smoothly maneuvers over obstacles, maintaining its course as long as the bump sensor doesn’t activate.
  3. Belly-Out Limitations
    When Luba bottoms out or gets stuck on its belly, mobility becomes a challenge. It’s crucial to avoid areas where the robot may get wedged, especially when turning around. However, on mostly even surfaces, Luba continues to perform exceptionally well.
  4. Optimal Speed for Rough Terrain
    Maintaining a moderate speed is key for Luba’s successful navigation on rough ground. When moving too quickly, it can still traverse holes and bumps but may experience temporary belly-down situations.
  5. Surprising Adaptability
    Luba proves to be highly adaptable to various rough terrains. Whether it’s bumpy, uneven ground or steep inclines, this robot mower remains reliable, delivering efficient performance.


The Mammotion Luba AWD5000 showcases its prowess on rough terrain, offering an impressive combination of climbing ability, ground clearance, and adaptability. While it’s essential to prevent belly-out situations to ensure uninterrupted operation, Luba proves itself as a capable machine for challenging environments. Whether you need to mow rough patches or traverse uneven ground, the Luba AWD5000 is up to the task.

Mammotion LUBA Testing Under Trees Coverage

LUBA AWD5000 testing under tree coverage

Mammotion Luba Testing Under Tree Coverage

Mammotion Luba: performance under trees coverage and different terrains

In this article, we will delve into the testing and performance analysis of the Mammotion Luba AWD5000, an all-wheel-drive robot lawnmower. Our focus is on its functionality under tree coverage and various terrains. We will provide an overview of the testing areas and the setup, followed by a summary of the key features observed during the testing process.

Luba Key Features and Testing Results:

  1. Impressive Slope Handling

    The Luba AWD5000 demonstrates exceptional performance on slopes, even on relatively steep inclines of 45 to 50 degrees. It smoothly maneuvers uphill, making turns without any issues. In one case, where the slope reached 55 degrees, it still maintained its performance.

  2. Strategic Setup for Improved Maneuverability

    To facilitate Luba’s turning capabilities on slopes, a smart strategy was implemented by mapping the area onto the concrete, allowing it to turn around on the flatter ground. This setup enhanced its traction and prevented the wheel from spinning on the slopes.

  3. Effective Tree Coverage

    Despite significant tree coverage, including canopies and low-hanging branches, the Luba effortlessly mowed through these areas without any positioning errors. The robot consistently maintained a clear view of the sky, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity with the reference station.

  4. Satellite Connectivity and RTK System

    The Luba utilizes a 900 MHz signal for communication between the robot and the RTK reference station. Contrary to common misconceptions, this connection is not reliant on line-of-sight. The recommended maximum distance between the antenna and the robot is 120 meters, although testing showed stable operation up to 150-200 meters. It is crucial to ensure both the reference station and the robot connect to the same satellites for accurate positioning.

  5. RTK Antenna Placement

    Optimal positioning of the RTK antenna is essential for reliable performance. It should have a clear view of the sky, preferably within a cone-shaped area of approximately 120-160 degrees on all sides. While the tested setup didn’t fully meet these recommendations, the Luba still functioned well, emphasizing the robustness of the system.

  6. Grass Buildup Management

    In areas with wet or long grass, the Luba may experience grass buildup underneath the blades. Regular mowing and scheduling sessions during drier periods can help mitigate this issue. Manufacturer improvements are expected to address this concern, potentially by incorporating blade guards to prevent excessive grass accumulation.

  7. Luba Wi-Fi Connectivity and Push Notifications

    The Luba connects via Wi-Fi, allowing users to monitor its status and receive notifications through the dedicated app. However, as of the testing phase, push notifications were not yet available, limiting real-time alerts. Future updates are expected to include push notifications for enhanced user experience and better system monitoring.

  8. Security Considerations

    While the Luba lacks built-in security features, users can enhance security by placing an Apple AirTag or similar tracking device within the robot. This measure allows tracking and locating the Luba in case of unauthorized removal from the property.


The Mammotion Luba AWD5000 impresses with its robust performance under various tree coverage and slope conditions. The RTK system ensures accurate positioning, even in challenging environments. Although grass buildup remains a minor concern, regular maintenance and scheduling can minimize the issue. Future updates are expected to enhance push notifications for improved user awareness. Overall, the Luba AWD5000 proves to be a reliable and agile solution for automated lawn mowing.

Mammotion LUBA AWD5000 Review – Field Testing

Mammotion Luba AWD5000 robot mower review

Mammotion LUBA AWD5000 Review - Field Testing

Luba AWD5000 Review: A Month of Testing and Impressive Performance

In this video review, we take a closer look at the Mammotion Luba AWD5000 robotic lawnmower and its performance over a month of testing. Our test property spans 3,000 square meters, allowing us to assess the Luba’s capabilities and compare it to other robot models in a fair setting. Join us as we highlight the key features and performance of the Luba AWD5000, providing valuable insights for potential buyers.

LUBA Key Features and Performance:

  1. Flawless Mowing and Leaf Management:
  • The Luba AWD5000 demonstrated impeccable mowing capabilities throughout the test period.
  • Despite encountering an error and temporarily halting operation for four days, the Luba efficiently maintained the property, effectively mulching leaves around trees.
  • Notably, the Luba excelled at keeping leaves away from the grass, resulting in a pristine mowing experience.
  1. LUBA Impressive Drivability and Navigation:
  • The Luba’s standout feature lies in its full drivability, allowing it to navigate various terrains effortlessly.
  • Even in challenging areas with channels, holes, and tree cover, the Luba maneuvered without getting stuck, showcasing its reliability and adaptability.
  1. Minimal Grass Damage:
  • Despite frequent turning during its daily operation, the Luba caused minimal damage to the grass.
  • Over a month of consistent mowing, the Luba’s turning action resulted in negligible grass damage, particularly on healthy grass.
  • Users with less resilient grass may experience slight damage, but healthy grass should remain unharmed.
  1. Advanced Satellite Connectivity:
  • The Luba provides real-time information on the number of satellites it’s connected to, allowing users to assess its signal reception.
  • The robot’s reliable performance throughout the testing period indicates that it maintained a consistent connection, ensuring optimal functionality.
  1. Additional LUBA Models with Enhanced Features:
  • Future models, including the 1,000 and 3,000 square meter variants, equipped with the Omni front wheel, are set to be released.
  • These models aim to further reduce grass damage during mowing, enhancing the overall user experience.
  1. Maintenance and Cleaning Tips:
  • Regular maintenance, including cleaning the infrared contacts, charge contacts, and screen, ensures optimal performance.
  • Although the Luba accumulated dirt during the test period, a quick weekly hose-down can keep it clean and functioning effectively.


The Mammotion Luba AWD5000 has proven to be an outstanding robotic lawnmower, delivering excellent mowing performance and reliability over a month of testing. With its flawless mowing, efficient leaf management, and impressive drivability, the Luba offers a superior mowing experience. Additionally, the minimal grass damage and advanced satellite connectivity further enhance its appeal. For those seeking a reliable and efficient lawnmowing solution, the Mammotion Luba AWD5000 is a top contender.

How to find a break in the perimeter wire – NF820

perimeter Wire break locator

How to find a break in your perimeter wire - NF 820 Wire Break Locator

The video demonstrates how to find a break in your boundary or perimeter wire using a wire locator tool.

 Jason from Robot Lawn mowers shows how to use the NF 820 Wire Break Locator by showing an installation route that has a break in the perimeter wire. Jason disconnects both ends of the wire and pulls them out. He connects the red lead of the transmitter to one of the leads and connects the negative lead to the screwdriver pushed into the ground.

 Then he turns on the transmitter and sets the signal strength to around three. The receiver is also turned on, and the signal strength is set to one. When he gets close to the wire, the receiver beeps, and as he moves further away, the beeping stops.

It is advised against setting the signal strength too high, as this can pick up signals from much further away. Instead, a setting of two or three is ideal. Following these steps, it is possible to locate the break in the wire and make necessary repairs.

Best Robot Lawn Mower 2023 Under $1500 Australia

Best Robot Lawn Mower Under $1500 Australia

Best Robot Lawn Mower Under $1500 in Australia 2023

The best robot lawnmowers in 2023 available in Australia that are under $1500 and are essential for all entry-level models and most of the Chinese generic machines.  

    1. NEOMOW S robot lawnmower, which is made by a company called Hookii. They specialize in smart robotics and smart automation and are known for their high-quality builds.
      The biggest advantage of the Neomow S is that it is the first robot lawnmower that mows in a straight line, making it more efficient. It can also mow small segments of your lawn one area at a time and has a break mode cut schedule, meaning it can stop and recharge at its charging station, and then go back to where it left off.
      The Neomow S is also well-built, with a short wheelbase that makes it easy to turn around on slopes. However, since it is a new product, it hasn’t been widely tested around the world, although it has been tested for several months.
      The only downside to the Neomow S is that its parallel mowing (mowing up and down in straight lines) is not always perfect, as it relies on GPS signals that can be affected by weather conditions. It also uses a boundary wire, so it’s not boundary-wireless like some other robot lawnmowers on the market.
    2. The MOEBOT S5, S10, and S20 all fall under the $1500 mark. The company is an Australian company, but the robots are made in China by a company called Joyudu. They are well-known and reliable machines that can handle larger areas than the Feniks and Victa. They are easy to use and have integrated Wi-Fi connectivity, making them easy to control from your phone. However, they are a bit pricey compared to the Feniks and Victa.
    3. The VICTA RM100 is made by Seiko, the company that makes yard Force robots. It’s quite refined and has an LCD touchscreen that’s easy to use. It’s stable and sits well on grass, but spare parts are difficult to find in Australia. It has no connectivity, which is a downside.
    4. The FENIKS L210 robot mower is a small and basic lawnmower that was released about five years ago. It’s not made by a well-known company and can only be found on sites like Alibaba. However, it’s very reliable and simple to operate. It has a basic LCD screen and can be programmed to run at set times. The machine is lightweight and can even be fitted with wheels, though it feels a bit like a toy due to its plasticky build. It mows at a slow speed, but it’s cheap and gets the job done.
    5. GARDENA 250 CITY robot lawnmowers. The brand has been around for a long time, and it’s trusted by many. The machine is quiet, refined, and reasonably priced. It’s been around for about 15 years, but you may want to check that. The Gardena 250 City of Guardian has Bluetooth connectivity and is feature-rich, making it a decent machine. However, it falls short in terms of its mowing capacity. It can only cover 250 square meters, and it takes five hours to achieve that. According to my testing, it can only mow around 30 square meters per hour, so it’s quite slow. You can’t run it for more than five hours a day, which indicates that its components aren’t high-quality. The machine is front-wheel-drive, which affects its slope capacity. It can only handle slopes up to 10 degrees, making it unsuitable for steep yards. Overall, it’s a decent machine for small yards of up to 100 square meters, but you need to run it for a long time to get the job done.
    6. LANWBA E1800/Ee1600 robot lawn mowers. The Lawnba machines are made by Xgain, a Chinese company we’ve been selling for a long time. However, their build quality is not very good, and their technology has not changed in over 10 years. They use digital sensors on the wire, so they don’t follow it very well. The only pro to these machines is the capacity, with the smallest one good for at least 800 square meters and the largest one for 3,000 square meters.
    7. UMOTO ZY-2 & SPM 14 robot lawnmower. We don’t sell these here in our store and never put them on the market. You can buy them from a few companies in Australia. They are built by a Chinese company that mostly specializes in medical supplies, robotics, automation, and drive motors. I’m not sure why they went into robotic lawnmowers, and the technology hasn’t changed for at least five to six years. They use Digital Life sensors, which are quite antiquated, and they don’t follow the wire very well. The only pro to these machines is the area capacity. They are cheap but can cut a lot of lawns, from 800 to 1,000 square meters for the smaller ones, and up to 3,000 square meters for the larger ones. However, the technology is poor, the control system is difficult to work out, and the build quality is not great. The wheels are flimsy, and the software is unreliable. That’s why we never put them on our website.
    8. SWIFT RM18 robot lawnmower at the bottom of the list, made by a Chinese company called Redback. They’ve been making robots for nearly 10 years, and their technology hasn’t changed much in that time. The pros of this robot are that it’s the cheapest on the market and very easy to operate since it only has a little LED screen and four buttons. However, the cons are that it’s quite tricky to get it to dock properly since the dock is tight to the wheels, and the front-wheel drive design means it doesn’t handle slopes well.

5 Reasons to Buy Robot Mowers from a Specialist

5 reasons why to buy a robot from a specialist

5 Reasons to buy a robot mower from a specialist

Buying a robot lawn mower can be a significant investment. Robot Lawn Mowers Australia receives many phone calls every week asking us for advice about why the robot is not doing what it should be, from people who purchased robot lawnmowers from a big box store because they had it on sale,

Robot Lawn Mowers Australia can help so much to help you select the right robot mower in the first place and then provide you with the assurance that we are there to help if something doesn’t go as planned.

This video lays out the five main reasons you should always buy a robot mower from a specialist, as big box stores can not provide after-sales support.

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