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Worx Landroid features review

Worx Landroid standard and optional features:

Fully autonomous lawn mowing:

Discover the Worx Landroid robot lawn mower capacity from the basic to the highest functionality. The robotic Landroid’s biggest strength is its ability to cut to the edges. The blade is situated on the robot’s side, allowing the landroid to cut as close as possible to the lawn edges. This Worx Landroid robot feature reduces the manual work required compared to other lawnmowers. The grass length cut daily by the robot is around 2 centimetres which provides nutrients to your lawn.

No Clippings! Fine mulching – Clipping provides nutrients for your lawn

Navigation system and capacity Feature:

Another Worx Landroid robotic feature is its navigation capacity through narrow passageways. Moreover, Slopes up to 35% can be handled by the robotic mower, which is around 22 degrees angle on your lawn. In addition, Worx landroid counts with a weather sensor that sends information to the robot to return to the garage to be protected from bad weather.

Lastly, “Power share” allows the Worx landroid robots to share their batteries with other Worx tools. APP control for robots is included with the Worx landroid robot mower so you can access your robot mower anytime from anywhere.

Additional functionality can be customised depending on your lawn needs, some of the Worx Landroid features are:

  • Garage shelter to protect the robot from the harsh Australian sun.
  • “ACS” anti-collision sensor so your robot navigates away from obstacles without hitting them.
  • “Radio Link” provides a secure connection for up to 1km from your home network.
  • “Off Limits” set a boundary with a magnetic strip to isolate areas of your lawn.
  • “Find my Landroid” Track the real-time position of the robot anywhere in the world.
  • “Voice Control” This feature allows you to start and stop your Worx Landroid with your voice.
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