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Kress robots

Kress robotic mowers redefine lawn care for expansive landscapes. Our innovative, satellite-guided technology tackles large areas without perimeter wires, leaving you free to enjoy a perfectly manicured lawn, effortlessly. 



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Real-time kinematic to the power of network

Once upon a time…

In the past, robot mowers required laying a powered wire along the perimeter of the working area. Mowers used to follow a random pattern, so they could only deal with relatively small lawns. Larger areas still had to be maintained by man-operated lawn tractors or zero turn.

The future of unmanned mowing is now

The new Kress RTKn robot mowers extend unmanned mowing to larger areas. They efficiently operate in parallel lines and autonomously move from an area to another, as if they were driven by humans. No need for boundary wires, nor on-site antennas.
Kress Robot lawn mower can mow a soccer field

Who will benefit from Kress RTKn

Large properties. Facilities. Sports fields. Golf courses. Public parks. You count them. Unmanned mowing is the ideal solution for countless applications, providing quiet, emissions-free turf management, with an operating cost that is a fraction of manned mowing.
A house with a pool and a lawn

Nothing is better

Robotic mowers that make use of RTK require the installation of at least one station antenna for each lawn, which must be powered and placed in open sky. Kress RTKn delivers centimetre accuracy with no station antenna on site.
kress COnvenient


No extra cost for the station antenna and its installation
Kress unplugged


No need to bring electricity in the lawn or over the roof for powering the station antenna.
kress quick and simple

Quick and simple

Once the mapping is done, the mower is ready to go.
kress unintrusive


No ugly antennas in the middle of the lawn or on the roof of the house.
kress dependable


Nothing can get damaged or stop operation due to electricity blackout.
Kress wireless robot mower

The advantages of RTK

Kress quick setup

Quick setup

Once your Kress dealer has mapped the areas and installed the charging station, you’re done. No on-site antennas installation needed.
Kress zero emisions


No polluting exhaust fumes, no emissions of greenhouse petrol
kress unintrusive

Quiet operation

Hotels can get their lawns manicured when customers are asleep.
Kress efficiency


The mower works in parallel lines, mowing large lawns as quickly as an experienced landscaper.
kress COnvenient

Operational savings

No labour cost, negligible impact on your energy bill, minimal maintenance expense as compared to ICE mowers.
Kress stay in the know

Stay in the know

With the Kress app on your smartphone, you can control and monitor your mower anytime, anywhere.
A house with a pool and a lawn


Kress RTKn technology uses the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) to get autonomous geo-spatial positioning with 2 to 5 meters accuracy, then applies real-time kinematic (RTK) correction data to achieve centimeter-level accuracy.

RTKn: position accuracy to the power of network

To ensure centimeter-level accuracy, Kress’ expanding proprietary network of reference GNSS receivers continuously delivers RTK correction data to your mower via the mobile phone network.

What if there’s poor satellite signal

A number of factors can degrade satellite positioning accuracy. Should satellite signals be blocked by buildings and trees, not even RTK correction data could help. Here’s where inertial navigation and odometry take over to precisely route the mower until it reaches an open sky area and satellite navigation is restored.

Kress micro-manages your lawn with Multi Zone setup

Kress RTKn technology will finally let you have direct, precise control over distinct mowing zones. Just open your mobile app, mark the zones, and in case there’s a paved road or a road in between, trace a path for your Mission mower to reach them.

Stay in control with Kress

Mission RTKn is the ultimate app to manage your satellite-guided robot mower. Create new maps and working schedules. Manage charging stations and set up multiple working zones, and more. Download the app here.
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KRESS Commercial Solutions

Facilities and sports clubs

If there’s a lawn, here’s how Kress can help you.

Whether your business is managing commercial, institutional, residential, industrial or public facilities, switching from contracted lawn mowing to a Kress robotic mower will make a positive change.

Better for the planet, better for your business.

Kress robotic mowers reduce your facility’s carbon footprint and make it a more pleasant place to work and live. Business-wise, they reset the cost of labour, reduce the need for water and nutrients, and cut the turf renovation cost.

Re-shape your facility’s soundscape

Petrol-powered mowers can be heard half a kilometre away. Each time your lawn is serviced, it creates a disruptive and unpleasant environment, which has a negative impact on the well-being, productivity, and enjoyment of people using the space. Kress robotic mowers are so quiet that none will even notice they’re working.

Your best turf ever

Turfgrass experts indicate frequent mowing as the key factor for achieving a healthy, dense and attractive lawn, as it stimulates grass to produce new shoots and leaves. Robotic lawn mowers are designed for mowing day in and day out and can operate nighttime, without interfering with the availability of the lawn.

Mow down pollution

Petrol-powered lawn mowers’ emissions are an issue you shouldn’t neglect. They harm the environment and the health of those using outdoor spaces: a petrol-powered lawn mower operating for one hour produces the same amount of pollution as a car driven for 160 kilometres. Kress robotic mowers are zero emissions.

Trim your grass, snip your costs

Switch from conventional lawn service to robotic mowing and eliminate labour expenses. If you own the mowing equipment, achieve further savings from fuel and maintenance costs.
kress robot mower business solution mows a field
kress robot mower business solution mows a field

Unmanned daily turf care

Sports fields demand way more frequent mowing compared to other facilities. Transitioning from manned to autonomous mowing offers the clear advantage of eliminating labour expenses from the equation, whilst keeping the field healthier and the environment unharmed.

Professional & commercial grade equipment

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*Product grading is based on Robot Lawn Mowers Australia reviews and tests of the products.

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The sound of silence

Sound of silence
Sound of silence - mobile

Petrol-powered mowers are typically as loud as 90-100 dB. Kress robot mowers are some 60 dB loud (depending on the model). But don’t jump to rash conclusions: this doesn’t mean they are 40% quieter than manned mowers. One dB (decibel) is one-tenth of a bel, a logarithmic unit of measurement for sound intensity named in honor of the scientist Alexander Graham Bell. Logarithmic scales are used in mathematics to represent values that vary over a broad range, such as the difference between the least audible and the loudest sound. 

Another example of a logarithmic scale is the Richter scale used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes. Each whole number in the 1 to 10 Richter scale represents a tenfold increase in the size of the earthquake. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 is ten times larger than an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0. So what’s the sound pressure difference between a 60 dB robot mower and a 100 dB petrol-powered mower? A 100 dB noise is about one thousand times greater than the sound pressure of a 60 dB noise.

Frequent mowing is the holy grail of a perfect lawn.

Turfgrass experts recommend mowing the lawn as frequently as possible for several reasons. Frequent mowing helps promote healthy growth of the turfgrass by stimulating the plants to produce new shoots and blades. It also prevents the buildup of thatch, the layer of dead grass and other organic matter that accumulates at the base of the grass blades. Excessive thatch can interfere with water and nutrient absorption, leading to poor turfgrass health. Moreover, frequent mowing controls the propagation of weeds, by removing the flowering parts of the plants before they have a chance to produce seeds and spread. Furthermore, infrequent mowing puts stress on the grass plants by removing too much of the leaf surface at once. 

As a result, the grass will devote all its energy to building the leaf instead of promoting root growth. Finally, daily mowing drops the very tips of the grass blades on the ground. These tips are rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are essential for healthy plant growth. These nutrients are quickly recycled back into the soil and made available for uptake by the grass roots, a process known as “grasscycling”. In addition to providing nutrients, fine grass clippings also help to improve soil structure and water-holding capacity. The decomposition of the tips can also help to stimulate microbial activity in the soil, which can further enhance nutrient cycling and soil health.

Small engines are big polluters

Petrol-operated lawnmowers emit a number of toxins that are dangerous for the human body. Carbon monoxide (CO) causes headaches, dizziness, and nausea, and in high concentrations, it can even lead to death. Exposure to nitrogen oxides (NOx) causes respiratory problems, such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can cause respiratory problems and aggravate asthma and other lung conditions. Particulate matter (PM) is responsible for respiratory and cardiovascular issues, cancer, and premature death. Internal combustion engines’ emissions are not only dangerous for human beings, they are also responsible for climate change. 

Carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse Petrol that is produced when fuels are burned, traps heat in the atmosphere and contributes to global warming. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and other pollutants can also react with sunlight and other compounds in the atmosphere to form greenhouse gasses, such as ozone and methane. Switching to Kress autonomous lawn mowers will bring the emissions down to zero, benefiting human health and the environment.

Beyond the towel reuse program

Starting from the early 90s, hotel’s towel reuse program has not only saved a significant amount of water and energy but has also contributed to raising awareness among millions of guests about the importance of simple daily practices in protecting the environment. Resort facility managers can now go one step further with Kress zero emissions lawn maintenance.

Don’t press too hard

When heavy machinery is used to mow grass, the weight of the machine compacts the soil, reducing the amount of space between soil particles. Soil compaction makes it more difficult for air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the soil, which leads to a number of negative effects:
  • Reduced root growth and development due to poor soil aeration and drainage
  • Increased risk of turf diseases and pest infestations due to stress and reduced vigor
  • Poor water infiltration and drainage, which can lead to standing water and surface runoff
  • Reduced turf density and coverage, which can impact the playability and aesthetics of the field
  • Increased maintenance requirements and costs to address soil compaction and other turf issues
Weighting a small fraction of any tractor, a Kress Mission robotic lawn mower will substantially improve the quality of the pitch, extend the lifespan of the turf and reduce the need for frequent, expensive renovation and replacement.
Luba 2 robot mower in property

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